47 miles of New “Wall” is all that tRump built (with $15 BILLION of U.S. TaxPayers $$) BBC.com/news/world-us-canada-46748492
Trump Asked About $100 saw & “Impenetrable” Border Wall Being Penetrated (The Young Turks)
High Winds Blow Over Border Wall Section (Jan 2020) Voice of America (The Cincinnati, Ohio radio co. Adolf H. hated)
Open gates along the Arizona-Mexico border wall shows Wall is just a political joke for R party
Man Climbs Over Trump’s Border Wall (NowThis)
Adam Ruins Everything – Why a Wall Won’t Stop Immigration
Native burial sites 10,000 years old blown up for US border wall (& left unused AFTER desecrating) BBC.com/news/world-us-canada-51449739